MUSSUN MEMO – July 2023

Product Spotlights Mussun Memo

In this issue… Titus TEAMS is a Windows based engineering design tool allowing application-based selection of grilles, registers, diffusers, VAV terminals, and fan coils for commercial HVAC systems. Mussun Memo July 2023

Filters on Fan-Powered Terminal Units

Contractor Resources Titus

Titus Terminal Unit application engineers take lots of questions on filters, so it’s worth explaining their purpose and covering the available filter options. Click on the link below to access helpful info on Fan Powered Terminal Units and the question of filter use. See:

Residential Cooking Application Design Recommendations

Engineering Resources Grease Master

Historically there has been a large gap in safety and performance between residential grade ventilation equipment, which generally does not incorporate any fire protection measures, and commercial grade equipment. GreaseMaster has addressed this challenge with their residential cooking application design recommendations. Click on the link below to learn more about the differences in code between […]